Canada Day Weekend at the Cottage

I finally got up to the cottage on the weekend for the Canada Day Long Weekend.  I unfortunately had to work Monday, so it wasn’t much of a long weekend for me but I still decided to take full advantage.  The weather wasn’t the best, overcast, slight rain, high winds, but that presented me with a couple opportunities and obstacles to overcome when taking photos.  Firstly, I was using my Macro lens the most to try and get photos of some neat critters and pretty flowers.  Winds presented the first issue where nothing stayed still long enough to try and get a crisp sharp photo, and I forgot to bring my Flash to assist me here.  So patience paid off huge, just crouching and waiting for the wind to calm down enough to snap a quick sharp photo.  But the trade off was that lots of flying insects got wet in the rain, and had to sit very still and wait for their wings to dry off, which gave me some excellent chances to snap some nice photos.  So here you go.